
St. Ambrose Parish Primary School is an educational institution, registered since 1906 but in existence since approximately 1859, that gives careful attention to academic and personal excellence, in a manner that allows children to develop to the best of their individual ability.

We provide an environment that welcomes, nurtures and stimulates the children in our school academically, spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically.

We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children and endeavour to create an atmosphere of partnership in the educational process between the staff of the school and the parents.

The school exists primarily to assist the Parish and its’ families in the education of their children in an environment of faith.

Optimal learning outcomes require integrating insights from several perspectives, including the cognitive sciences, philosophy, and pedagogy, and that is why the MACS Vision for Instruction has been formulated. It combines what we know about how learning takes place, and the distinctive pedagogical approaches that are needed for effective teaching of literacy and numeracy, with a focus on the development of the whole child. Perhaps more importantly, it provides a clear focus for all teachers working in MACS schools to support each other in ensuring that every child thrives at school and leads a flourishing, fulfilled life.

The explicit instruction sequence we follow at St Ambrose along with researched high-impact teaching strategies is: 

  • Explicit instruction.
  • Modelling.
  • Guided practice.
  • Independent practice.

This cycle is informed by regular formative and summative assessments and regular reviews.

If you would like to read the Vision for Instruction document you can via this link:

Our Vision

At St Ambrose Parish Primary School, with the teachings and life of Jesus Christ as our central focus, we aspire to provide an excellent education in faith and life, within a welcoming environment. Together we nurture the Spiritual and Educational welfare and needs of the members in our Parish and School community, to foster life-long learning and their relationship with God. Our vision, therefore, is expressed simply as:

Centred by Faith

In Partnership with Community

We Provide Excellence in Learning

Our Values

Centred by Faith

  • Faith is at the centre of all we do.
  • We value the relationship with God, community and each other.

Partnership with Community

  • We foster trusting relationships and respectful communication through collaboration with our students, staff and community partners
  • We value each member of our community by promoting free, open and responsible exchange of ideas, fostering respect, trust, and support among staff, students and the community.

Excellence in Learning

  • We foster personal growth within an environment in which every individual matters
  • We value a culture of academic excellence that is not just for the individual but is for the benefit of our whole school community and beyond.

Our Aims

In partnership, we aim to provide the best education possible for your child. Specifically our aims are:

  • To provide our students with the basis to develop a conscious, loving relationship with God our Father in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit in the tradition of the Catholic Church.
  • To provide an excellent education for our students which develops their talents and capacities to full potential and is relevant to the social, cultural and economic needs of the nation.
  • To enable our students to achieve high standards of learning and to develop self-confidence, optimism, high self-esteem, respect for others and achievement of personal excellence.
  • To provide a foundation for further education and training, in terms of knowledge and skills, respect for learning and positive attitudes for education.
  • To provide students with the knowledge and skills to actively participate and positively contribute to an ever changing world.

Our Beliefs

We believe that parents, students, teachers and our parish community have an obligation to co-operate to provide an environment which can be truly called a loving Catholic Community in which Gospel values flourish. It is our hope that together we will endeavor to achieve this aim to the fullest. We base our endeavors in the beliefs:

  • That each individual is a unique creation made in God’s image and therefore possessed of inherent dignity.
  • That education is about learning what it means to be human and that in Jesus Christ we have a model of what it means to be truly human.
  • That education is a means for discovering the meaning in life, of developing human potential and liberating and empowering individuals to be responsible for their lives and to contribute to the society in which they live.
  • That education, shaped by the continuing search for truth, serves the true and enduring needs of our society.
  • That education enables an integration of faith, life and culture.

Our Mission

Making a Difference in our World


  • fostering the dignity, self-esteem and integrity of each person
  • collaborating with others for the good of all
  • inspiring hope and a positive vision for the future
  • continuing the rich tradition of Catholic education in Woodend.

As partners in Catholic education, we commit ourselves to our students by:


  • celebrating being Catholic in Australia
  • recognising that Jesus Christ is central to our lives
  • imparting Catholic beliefs, values, practices and traditions within a faith-filled community
  • working with those who experience disadvantage
  • rejoicing in our cultural diversity.


Ensuring Quality Teaching and Learning


  • providing a stimulating and challenging curriculum which links faith and culture
  • promoting our schools as places of learning and excellence
  • embracing the privilege and the challenge of teaching in Catholic schools
  • promoting an active partnership between home, parish, school and community
  • making creative use of available resources.