St Ambrose Spotlight on STEM:

St Ambrose community of learners continues to embrace further exciting, energising, challenging, and new opportunities for learning in 2024. Together we create a primary school environment with rich and diverse learning opportunities within a nurturing setting aimed to inspire our students to thrive.

Education week is not only a good time to celebrate all the wonderful work being done in schools to support students in their learning but also to do what all passionate educators do… reflect on practice and look for ways to improve student engagement and outcomes.

At St. Ambrose we aim to provide a well-balanced approach to learning. Our children come from varied backgrounds and they spend a significant part of their lives at school. Education therefore needs to be viewed as part of life not just preparation for it. It should be relevant, and purposeful to engage students and serve their needs. A richly diverse curriculum facilitated by teachers who are passionate, capable as well as caring can cater for the varied interests and needs of students. Methods of delivery vary and opportunity for both formal and informal learning keeps the school environment stimulating and interesting.

St Ambrose’s spotlight on STEM supports the development of skills in critical, and creative thinking, problem-solving, and digital technologies. Our students immerse themselves in STEM opportunities which lift student engagement and attainment in STEM and improve learning outcomes. At St. Ambrose, we have added the Arts and call our work in these areas STEAM. Our students have displayed a keen interest and high level of enthusiasm in our STEAM work and are actively involved in the problem-solving and learning process. They also exercise their voice and agency by setting goals for their learning and planning their path to achieve success. The skills they practice through STEAM projects support them develop as self-directed and self-motivated learners with a growth mindset. It is always wonderful to watch children discover new potentials within themselves while engaged in STEAM activities. Our STEAM Expo afternoons allow anyone interested in seeing our students’ achievements to come in and see what the children have been exploring and creating!
